The primary colors in an RYB color wheel are red, yellow, and blueThe secondary colors — orange, green, and purple — are made by combining the primary colors In the red–yellow–blue system as used in traditional painting and interior design, tertiary colors are typically named by combining the names of the adjacent primary and secondaryDistri Sky blue, Grey support Half grey Beachy grey and green Blue grey scale Grey rainbow green yellow grey Green grey blue yellow Blue yellow green grey Castle greysThe Blue To Yellow Gradient Color Scheme palette has 6 colors which are Crayola's Blue (#1C6FF8), Battery Charged Blue (#27BBE0), Eucalyptus (#31DB92), Neon Green (#1BF118), Green Lizard (#9BF4) and Daffodil (#FEF7) This color combination was created by user Sophia The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below Red Landscape Orange Blue Purple Colors G Transparent Color Palette Dark Green Naturalpalettes Red orange yellow green blue purple color wheel